On May 9, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary along with the European Youth Centre in Budapest (Council of Europe) is hosting a conference on “Opportunities for political participation of national minority youth”. The event will also mark the Council of Europe Day in Hungary this year.
A study on the active political role of young people belonging to national minorities during the Hungarian presidency of the Council of Europe was prepared, thus now this event is aiming to serve as a follow-up on the issue. This has a timely relevance as well, as a recommendation on the same topic is currently being prepared (Steering Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion - CDADI) for the Ministerial Committee, due in June. We hope, this occasion can serve as a platform for discussion on how national minority youth can take advantage of the opportunities offered by the recommendation.
Besides the two hosts of the event, Special Envoy Kalmár and Director Molnár, the opening remarks would be delivered by Deputy Secretary General Björn Berge (Council of Europe) along with State Secretary Peter Sztáray (MFAT) and Chairman Zsolt Németh (Foreign Affairs Committee, Hungarian National Assembly).
Please find the detailed program attached. /assets/36/22/15/72bc2bf874aab4ec03eb78251d96020beef5f770.docx
Participation is free, but registration is requested. Number of participants is limited.
Registration: CoE-day-EYCB-2023 - Youth (https://go.coe.int/8IgXr)
The event can be also followed online by using the link below: